Our CatalogueOur stock changes regularly. Here’s a sample of types of items we routinely discover and make available in our Hawthorn store.CategoryAllceramics (5)eclectic (22)garden (1)Glass (5)lighting (1)maritime (4)natural history (5)oriental (6)Silver (4)tableware (5)Sewing Machinevintage singer child size sewing machineAntlersassorted antlers mounted on wooden blocksIce Bucketsterling silver & tortoise shell ice bucketScalesvintage dayton candy countertop scalesDiving Helmutlarge brass diving helmut bottle holder & small decorative helmutBird Cageantique metal bird cageWooden Pulleysantique wooden pulleysBuddhaantique cast iron buddhaMeasuring Vesselsset of measuring vessels made of copper & brassMouldschocolate mouldsReligious Statueassorted religious statues Mary & JesusDoor Handlesassorted victorian glass door handles123…5›Join Our NewsletterSuccess! First Name Last Name Email Subscribe